Online Forms to Get Your Answers Quicker
Request a Repeat Prescription
We aim to have all prescription requests reviewed within 48 hours. Prescriptions will be emailed directly to your nominated pharmacy.
For private patients, a €25 charge for prescriptions apply. Please proceed to payment and you will be asked to complete the prescription form at checkout.
Covid-19 Screening Form
If you suspect that you might have COVID-19, are displaying symptoms, or a close contact of a confirmed case, please complete this screening form before calling the surgery.
If you have difficulty breathing and feel it is a medical emergency, please phone 999 or 112
This form is for use during working hours Monday to Friday only.
Submitting forms outside this time will delay your test referral.
Outside these times please phone MIDOC on 1850 302 702 who will refer you for testing. If you submit a form over the weekend it will not be seen until Monday morning.
Ensure that you have the correct phone number. When you click ‘submit’ a secure email will be generated and a doctor will review the information and decide on the best course of action for you. Until you hear from us, please start self-isolating. One of our doctors/nurses will either call you to discuss or may decide to make a referral directly for testing. If this is the case, you will receive a text message from the HSE advising of the time and location for a test.
* Items marked with a star are mandatory, we must have a contact number so we can phone you if we are unsure of what you require.
Blood and Other Test Results Form
Please note, if your doctor has advised you to make an appointment to come back to them once your results are back, please do not complete this form. Please contact reception for an appointment.
Submitting this form will generate an email to one of our nurses who will review your file and contact you once all your results are back.
Baby Vaccination Form
If you need to get your baby added to your medical card, please let us know before your baby is 6 months old.
If you do not have a medical card, your baby is entitled to a GP Visit card. Please visit to register your baby as soon as possible after birth. You do not need to wait for your baby's PPSN to do this.
When you click submit you are agreeing to us holding your information in accordance with GDPR and are giving consent for us to contact you by email or by text. One of our nurses will be in contact with you to arrange an appointment.
Medical Cert Request Form
*** Please note medical certificates will not be issued unless you have seen the doctor ***